Centre Funéraire Pol LAFFUT & HEERWEGH

Rue Erène, 9
6900    Marche-en-Famenne (Belgium)

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Photo 852414Madame Annick LANNOOMadame Annick LANNOO
of Hotton (6990, Belgium)
+ 14/11/1962 - 04/12/2024
Photo 852407Monsieur Victor SUYMENSMonsieur Victor SUYMENS
of Comblain-au-Pont (4170, Belgium)
+ 21/06/1953 - 04/12/2024
Photo 852112Madame Colette WEBERMadame Colette WEBER
of Xhoris (4190, Belgium)
+ 11/08/1959 - 03/12/2024
Photo 851987Madame Pina FALCONEMadame Pina FALCONE
of Cheratte (4602, Belgium)
+ 23/05/1967 - 02/12/2024
Photo 851969Madame Liliane HAUSMANMadame Liliane HAUSMAN
of Anthisnes (4160, Belgium)
+ 10/07/1933 - 02/12/2024
Photo 851943Monsieur Léopold MAKAMonsieur Léopold MAKA
of Villers-aux-Tours (4161, Belgium)
+ 23/10/1927 - 02/12/2024
Photo 851814Madame Renée LAMBERTMadame Renée LAMBERT
of Petit-Han (6940, Belgium)
+ 05/07/1937 - 01/12/2024
Photo 851523Monsieur Francy GILLESMonsieur Francy GILLES
of Bomal-sur-Ourthe (6941, Belgium)
+ 05/02/1943 - 30/11/2024
Photo 851310Madame Ida GILLETMadame Ida GILLET
of Mormont (6997, Belgium)
+ 18/10/1929 - 28/11/2024
Photo 851342Monsieur Alfred PAULUSMonsieur Alfred PAULUS
of Comblain-au-Pont (4170, Belgium)
+ 26/03/1936 - 28/11/2024
Photo 851295Madame Nicole ETIENNEMadame Nicole ETIENNE
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 13/09/1938 - 27/11/2024
Photo 850910Madame Elise SPRONCKMadame Elise SPRONCK
of Petit-Han (6940, Belgium)
+ 25/02/1930 - 26/11/2024
Photo 850894Madame Erika JAMOTTEMadame Erika JAMOTTE
of Jemelle (5580, Belgium)
+ 09/10/1975 - 25/11/2024
Photo 850639Monsieur Paul MATZMonsieur Paul MATZ
of Rochefort (5580, Belgium)
+ 29/01/1965 - 24/11/2024
Photo 850479Madame Camille DACHYMadame Camille DACHY
of Angleur (4031, Belgium)
+ 12/05/1947 - 23/11/2024
Photo 850482Madame Josseline LEGEARDMadame Josseline LEGEARD
of Vaux-sous-Chèvremont (4051, Belgium)
+ 17/03/1935 - 23/11/2024
Photo 850443Monsieur Henri MATHYMonsieur Henri MATHY
of Poulseur (4171, Belgium)
+ 02/03/1933 - 22/11/2024
Photo 850148Monsieur Pol TREMBLOYMonsieur Pol TREMBLOY
of Charneux (6950, Belgium)
+ 20/12/1948 - 21/11/2024
Photo 850072Monsieur Louis BREDAMonsieur Louis BREDA
of Hamoir (4180, Belgium)
+ 06/10/1948 - 20/11/2024
Photo 850061Monsieur Pol MARECHALMonsieur Pol MARECHAL
of Comblain-au-Pont (4170, Belgium)
+ 24/05/1936 - 20/11/2024
Photo 850062Monsieur Joseph SIMALMonsieur Joseph SIMAL
of Hargimont (6900, Belgium)
+ 20/05/1933 - 20/11/2024
Photo 849771Madame Mariette CHARLESMadame Mariette CHARLES
of Baillonville (5377, Belgium)
+ 21/10/1927 - 19/11/2024
Photo 849590Madame Rina DERNIVOYMadame Rina DERNIVOY
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 03/09/1955 - 18/11/2024
Photo 849593Mathieu MALCHAIRMathieu MALCHAIR
of Poulseur (4171, Belgium)
+ 03/02/1934 - 18/11/2024
Photo 849857Monsieur Luc CALBERTMonsieur Luc CALBERT
of Fanzel (6997, Belgium)
+ 04/09/1970 - 17/11/2024
Photo 849386Madame Marie-Jeanne DOUHARDMadame Marie-Jeanne DOUHARD
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 17/08/1954 - 15/11/2024
Photo 848808Madame Monique FORTHOMMEMadame Monique FORTHOMME
of Comblain-au-Pont (4170, Belgium)
+ 24/05/1934 - 13/11/2024
Photo 848185Monsieur Henri GILLETMonsieur Henri GILLET
of Marche-en-Famenne (6900, Belgium)
+ 11/07/1928 - 08/11/2024
Photo 848309Lenny HALLEUXLenny HALLEUX
of Rendeux (6987, Belgium)
+ 19/01/2012 - 08/11/2024
Photo 848588Monsieur Henri NIHONMonsieur Henri NIHON
of Seraing (4100, Belgium)
+ 27/11/1940 - 08/11/2024
Photo 847674Monsieur Noël WARNYMonsieur Noël WARNY
of Bourdon (6990, Belgium)
+ 14/04/1928 - 04/11/2024